ES Live PM Session Trading 11/14/23

In this video we navigate the markets real time calling targets and the turning points as it reprices into our objectives. I show how I implement my rule based strategy to trade the Futures market. This is an example of a perfect analysis, however, I was unable to get filled for my entry and watched […]

ES PM Session Live Walkthrough 10/3/23

Here we accurately call the specific turning points of the Stock Futures calling out specific objectives and demonstrating the use of Time amd Price Theory over live market Data. In this video I cover a trading model that repeats every week in which the market creates a reversal in the last hour of trading to […]

ES PM Session Live Analysis 9/21/23

Stock Indices Real Time Market Walkthrough Market Commentary over Live Market data navigating the intricate terrains of the financial markets Live on Youtube with our community. Step by Step analysis calling targets and walking the markets into our objectives reading institutional orderflow with easy to follow straightforward analysis.

ES Silver Bullet Entry 11/02/23

For the Silver Bullet Entry (10:00 AM – 11:00 AM), first, we need to determine whether we are looking for lower or higher prices in the Higher Time Frame (HTF). Once we establish in the HTF that we want to see higher prices, be patient and wait for the right entry. The Silver Bullet (SB) […]

NQ A+ setup trade review 11/10/23

Because we have a bullish bias, after the equities open (9:30) retail traders chase the first price swing, where as smart money will be waiting for manipulation to see higher prices for the morning session. The market engineers a Stop Hunt, taking retail traders out of the market. This then forms our entry model at […]

ES AM Session 9:30 Judas Swing 11/07/23

At 9:30 there is an injection of liquidity and an influx of market participation from financial institutions and traders. We expect market manipulation to occur and flush out retail traders, getting them offsides. Always remember that we are looking for prices in the direction we favor, and we want to see that retail is stopped […]